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Título : Analysing Online Tutors’ Feedback: Types and Characteristics
Autor(es) : Contijoch Escontria, María del Carmen
En: Contijoch Escontria, María del Carmen. Analysing Online Tutors’ Feedback: Types and Characteristics. En: Contijoch Escontria, María del Carmen; Lusnia, Karen Beth (coord.). Investigación y enseñanza de lenguas: andanzas y reflexiones. pp. 279-298.
Libro completo :
Resumen : This study analyses the feedback that two online tutors provided to their students in the online course entitled “Evaluative Processes in Language Teaching” within the online diploma course “Actualización en Lingüística Aplicada para Profesores de Lenguas” (alad) that the Centro de Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras (cele) at unam offers. Online feedback has been acknowledged in the literature and considered as an essential element in any online course. However, it has hardly been researched. Hence, this study contributes to a better understanding of the process of online feedback. The outcomes of the study suggest that online tutors not only organize the feedback they provide but they also use certain language functions for specific purposes.
Fecha de publicación : 2012
Aparece en las colecciones: Capítulos

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